Google Scholar Profile


Mueller, Wood-Doughty, Amir, Dredze, Nobles. 2021. Demographic Representation and Collective Storytelling in the Me Too Twitter Hashtag Activism Movement. Proc of ACM Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).

Sawhney,* Joshi,* Nobles,* Shah. 2021. Towards Emotion- and Time-Aware Classification of Tweets to Assist Human Moderation for Suicide Prevention. Proc of AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). *equal contribution

Leas, Moy, Nobles, Ayers, Zhu, Purushothaman. 2021. Google shopping queries for vaping products, JUUL, IQOS during the E-cigarette, or Vaping, product use Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) outbreak.

Ayers, Poliak, Johnson, Leas, Dredze, Caputi, Nobles. 2021. Suicide-related internet searches during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in the US. JAMA Network Open.


Leas, Hendrickson, Nobles, Todd, Smith, Dredze, Ayers. 2020. Self-reported Cannabidiol (CBD) Use for Conditions With Proven Therapies. JAMA Network Open.

Leas, Nobles, Caputi, Dredze, Zhu, Cohen, Ayers. 2020. News coverage of the E-cigarette, or Vaping, product use Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) outbreak and internet searches for vaping cessation. Tobacco Control.

Ayers, Leas, Johnson, Poliak, Althouse, Dredze, Nobles. 2020. Internet Searches for Acute Anxiety During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic. JAMA Internal Medicine.

Chu, Fathy, Nobles, Lipoff. 2020. Patient crowdsourcing of dermatologic consults on a Reddit social media community. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Glenn, Nobles, Barnes, Teachman. 2020. Can Text Messages Identify Suicide Risk in Real Time? A Within-Subjects Pilot Examination of Temporally-Sensitive Markers of Suicide Risk. Clin Psychol Sci.

Nobles, Leas, Dredze, Ayers. 2020. Examining Peer-to-Peer and Patient-Provider Interactions on a Social Media Community Facilitating Ask the Doctor Services. Proc of AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM).

Nobles, Leas, Noar, Dredze, Strathdee, Ayers. 2020. Automated Image Analysis of Instagram Posts: Implications for Risk Perception and Communication in Public Health using a Case Study of #HIV. PLOS ONE.

Nobles, Leas, Caputi, Zhu, Strathdee, Ayers. 2020. “Did I Say Something Wrong?” Responses to Addiction Help-Seeking from Intelligent Virtual Assistants on Alexa, Siri, Google Assistant, Bixby, and Cortana. Nature Digital Medicine.

Nobles, Leas, Latkin, Dredze, Strathdee, Ayers. 2020. #HIV: Alignment of HIV-Related Visual Content on Instagram with Public Health Priorities in the US. AIDS and Behavior.

Leas, Prochaska, Ayers, Nobles, Henrikson. 2020. What to do when tobacco advertisers co-opt anti-tobacco social media campaigns to sell tobacco. Tobacco Control.


Nobles, Leas, Althouse, Dredze, Longhurst, Smith, Ayers. 2019. Requests for Diagnoses of Sexually Transmitted Diseases on a Social Media Platform. JAMA.

Leas, Nobles, Caputi, Ayers. 2019. Trends in Internet Searches for Cannabidiol (CBD) in the United States. JAMA Open.

Nobles, Curtis, Ngo, Vardell, Holstege. 2019. Health Insurance Literacy of College Students: A Mixed Methods Analysis. J Am Coll Health.

Strathdee, Nobles, Ayers. 2019. Harnessing Digital Data and Data Science to Achieve 90-90-90 Goals to End the HIV Epidemic. Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS.

Nobles, Dredze, Ayers. 2019. “Repeal and Replace”: Increased Demand for Intrauterine Devices Following the 2016 Presidential Election. Contraception.

Ayers, Nobles, Dredze. 2019. Media Trends for SAMHSA’s 800-662-HELP Addiction Treatment Referral Services Following a Celebrity Overdose. JAMA Intern Med.

Caputi, Nobles, Ayers. 2019. Internet Searches for Sexual Harassment and Assault, Reporting, and Training Following #MeToo. JAMA Intern Med.


Nobles, Dreisbach, Keim-Malpass, Barnes. 2018. “Is this a STD? Please help!”: Online Information Seeking for STDs on Reddit. Proc of AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM).

Nobles, Glenn, Kowsari, Teachman, Barnes. 2018. Identification of Imminent Suicide Risk Among Young Adults using Text Messages. Proc of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI).

Boukhechba, Baee, Nobles, Gong, Wells, Barnes. 2018. A social cognitive theory-based framework for monitoring medication adherence applied to endocrine therapy in breast cancer survivors. Proc of IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI).


Nobles, Goodall, Fitch. 2017. Comparing the Cost of Onsite Best Management Practices to Nutrient Credit Offsets for Stormwater Management: Case Study for VDOT. Journal of American Water Resources Association.


Nobles, Vilankar, Wu, Barnes. 2015. Evaluation of Data Quality of Multisite Electronic Health Record Data for Secondary Analysis. Proc of IEEE Conference on Big Data.